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Ban Seok Precision Industry Co., Ltd.


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The 21st century is the era of value creation when high-tech industries are created with expertise and specialized items. That is why specialized production technologies and differentiated production systems are required for each field of industries. Banseok Precision Industry Co., Ltd. is applying dedicated systems to production on the basis of accumulated technology and knowhow. Especially we are developing and exporting to advanced countries high viscosity fixed-quantity dispensers, high viscosity high liquid dispensers, automatic sealing systems, and other production facilities which are knowhow themselves. We will make your valuable production technology patentable by increasing their values. We keep up taking out new patents.
Company Profile
Company Name: Ban Seok Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Company Type: Enterprise ()
Area: South_Korea Company Size:
Registered Capital: N/A Registered Year: 1993
Security deposit: Already paid 0.00 USD
Business Scope: dispensingsystem,precisiondispensingcontroller,fluidsincludinggrease,blendingdispenser
Machinery / Valve